There has seemed to be an increase lately in the popularity of finger, hand, and even face tattoos and as fashionable as they look when first tattooed, that's as far as they go. We have some very particular requirements for us to tattoo your hands or face and that's for a few reasons that are not for our own benefit, only for the benefit of our clients.
But who has these style tattoos? Well, a lot of people in fact, especially celebrities, the people who many teens and young adults seem to look up to. Whenever a fad pops up among celebrities, you'll see the same rise in the general population, and lately that seems to be VERY visible tattoos. Unfortunate as it may be though, not all of us are celebrities, and while we are not here to tell anyone that this is a bad look or nobody should ever get a hand or face tattoo, we are here to remind you why you might not want it for yourself.
Now we all know that the face is the first thing everybody sees when they first meet you, so first impressions matter, especially at job interviews. Many employers these days are starting to relax on tattoos and piercing (Which is great!) But in almost every place of business you still need to be able to cover it up or be able to hide it in some fashion. That's where hand and face tattoos run into a bit of a wall, you can't hide those without gloves or make-up and many employers will turn you away purely over visible tattoos making job searching near impossible.
"What about just a little side of the finger tattoo? I can hide that, nobody will even notice it's there!" While that argument may be valid on some level, unfortunately finger tattoos don't hold up. "But this tattoo from Pinterest looks great!" While they look great when initially done, notice how you never see any healed photos on these tattoos, that's because they either look terrible or are completely gone by the time they heal. The sides of your finger, along with the palm, loose a heavy amount of skin cells on a daily basis seeing as they are our main mode of interacting with the world around us, this makes for very poor healing on tattoos. Most of the time with a finger tattoo you'll loose at least half, if not all, of the ink in the tattoo making it look unfinished, poorly done, or like you never had a tattoo there(see picture above for example).
Will we tattoo your hands or face? Maybe, if you meet the requirements. So what are the requirements? Well if you already have them done or are heavily (HEAVILY) covered your in luck, you are already aware of the stigma and issues you will run into so we will tattoo you. Are you filthy rich(or at least substantially wealthy) and can prove it? Well what are you waiting for get in here, you already got things figured out and we have no issue tattooing your whole forehead, or whatever else you're wanting. And if you are unfortunate enough to have a felony charge, you already are well aware of the struggles you face in finding meaningful employment, but on the plus side we will tattoo you.
So, are we saying you shouldn't get your hands or face tattooed or condemning those who do? No, we are just trying to inform you of why we here have such high requirements which isn't the usual thing for a lot of tattoo shops. We are purely just trying to look out for our clients best interests and not just here to make a quick buck off the misinformation or lack of detailed knowledge of tattooing that those who aren't tattoo artist themselves might know.