to Oct 13

Halloween Party!!!

On Saturday, October 12th, starting promptly at 8pm, Lighthouse Tattoo will be hosting our annual Halloween Party! If you know, you know. If it’s your first time: This costume party is BYOB, free to attend, and open to the public (so bring friends). We ask that everyone park across the street, as any vehicles in our parking lot may be set ablaze during the fire show. Please do not park next door.

Additionally, Everyone in the Lighthouse Staff will be dressed as Star Wars characters this year, that’s nearly 30 people total, so you may not want to dress similarly if you don’t want to wear a duplicate costume, although stormtroopers, Ewoks, Mandalorians, or random Jedi or Sith would be appropriate, so do what you want, it’s just an FYI.

Their will also be a costume contest with prizes of gift certificates to Lighthouse Tattoo for the following categories: Best Overall; Best Group; Best Couple; Funniest; Scariest; and Sexiest costume. All costumes will be judged on the following criteria: Originality; Effort; Authenticity; and Presentation. What does this mean?

It means if you wanna be Deadpool, you can be, but you’re not gonna win. Unless… Maybe you’re not Deadpool Prime, maybe a variant, and you make the costume yourself, and it’s great work, very true to the details, and maybe you learn that NSync Bye Bye Bye dance to do during the competition. Then you’d have it all, Originality, Effort, Authenticity, and detail. Buying a costume off the shelf pales in comparison to some nice homemade cosplay, and we like to reward passion here, so get crackin! Time’s short!

Costume contest prizes will be in the form of gift certificates to Lighthouse Tattoo up to $300 (maybe more, depending on the level of success), and we reserve the right to add categories on site (like maybe splitting the categories into male/female if we have a large crowd or some very good costumes). Sexiest costume, as always, pays out 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

Thanks and we’ll see you on October 12th!

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12:00 PM12:00

$20 Piercing Day

On Saturday, September 28th, starting promptly at noon, Lighthouse Tattoo will be offering all piercings except for dermal anchors for $20, a savings of over 30% from our normal rates! We expect a lot of traffic, so since our parking lot is so small, we are asking our clients to park across the street. Please do not park next door, as they will tow.

On Thursday, September 26th, we will be taking prepaid appointments for 15 minute windows, in order to help reduce wait times (something we’ve learned from our Friday the 13th forays). Starting at noon on the 26th, you can call Lighthouse Tattoo, pay your 20$, and schedule your 15 minute window of time. This will ensure you can receive quick service and we highly recommend it, as spaces will be limited. Due to an expected high volume of phone traffic, we will ONLY be taking appointments for $20 Piercing Day on Thursday the 26th.

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Harry Potter Fan Appreciation Day/Party
12:00 AM00:00

Harry Potter Fan Appreciation Day/Party

Our annual Harry Potter fan appreciation day/party is right around the corner! Our artists have put together some beautiful flash for all of you to enjoy on this magical day The skin wizards will be hard to work between the hours of 12:00pm to 5:00pm-ish and the party festivities will begin at 7:00pm We can’t wait to celebrate with all of you! See ya August 3rd!! (stay tuned for more updates!!

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to Oct 22

Halloween Party

The time has come again for our annual Lighthouse Tattoo Halloween Party! While each year has been special (We’ve been hosting a party like this for the better part of twenty years now) last year was amazing and this year promises to be even better! We’ve added more categories to the costume contests and we’ve hired more Halloween-specific entertainment.


First, the contests. Costume contest winners will all receive gift certificates to Lighthouse Tattoo. We’ve increased the number of categories so more people can walk away feeling good about all the hard work they put into looking their very scariest this year! Most categories will have only a single winner, but we reserve the right to bestow awards to anyone who we feel went above and beyond in the costume department this year. The categories are as follows:

Best Male; Best Female; Scariest Costume; Sexiest Costume (3 places will be awarded); Best DIY Costume; Best Facepaint; Largest Costume (for those fond of inflatable costumes); Best Group/Couple’ Funniest Costume; and Worst Costume (can’t be lame, usually something well done, but distasteful or offensive.)

Additionally, early birds (people here by 8pm) will get the benefit of viewing the magical stylings of Mr. Frankie Foti! Frankie is a regular performer at Nashville’s speakeasy House of Cards and has travelled the world entertaining thousands with his magical powers that we are reasonable sure came on load from the Dark Lord himself. The guy’s freaky alright? He will be performing from 8 to 9 pm so everyone will have time to have a couple drinks and get settled in before the festivities get cranked up!

Frankie Foti performing for an event with the McLaren company of car builders.

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6:30 PM18:30

420-TOO Party!

On April 22nd, to commemorate 420 and the slowly creeping legalization of recreational marijuana laws being passed in this country, Lighthouse Tattoo will be hosting a 420-TOO party, where participants can sample legal CBD products such as smoking, vaping, oils, and edibles in honor of the changing political climate we currently reside under the thumb of. The name for the party is fitting, as it’s on 4/22, but also because CBD has become a widely acceptable form of self-care and recreation at a time when Americans could really use a bit of both.

Hopefully, someday soon, we’ll all be able to gather together to celebrate the legalization of THC products and upend one of the more egregious legislative oversights in this county’s sordid history. Until, we’ll take the next best thing. So please join us on Saturday, April 22nd at 8pm to enjoy some of the fruits of mother nature and enjoy some great company, we’ll try to keep Beefcake Jake off the pole this time…

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to Mar 18

St. Patrick's Day Soiree

Those of you in the know understand what we mean when we say Lighthouse Tattoo parties have become a thing of legend. Our annual St. Patrick’s Day party has been one of the biggest contributors to that reputation! A BYOB event with food, fun and games, and some of the best people you’ll ever meet, this little shindig is not to be missed! Scheduled for 7pm on Friday, March 17th, Stay tuned to Lighthousetattoo.net for more information as that fateful day approaches!

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to Oct 23

Halloween Party!

It’s that time of year again and as usual, everyone’s invited to the Lighthouse Tattoo Halloween Masquerade Ball! It’s a costume party folks, and there will be prizes for the best costumes, so be sure to go all-out! The actual party will start at 8pm, but we will be having an exclusive pre-party starting at 7pm for anyone interested in playing a little pre-party drinking game to get the wheels turning! The costume contest judging will begin promptly at 9pm and the categories and prizes are as follows: Best Costume (Men): The winner will receive a $200 gift certificate to Lighthouse Tattoo. Best Costume (group or duo): The winners here will receive prizes commensurate with the extent of the planned theme’s excellence. Meaning simply, couple’s costumes are great, but we love to see larger groups of people go in together on a theme and we’ll make it worth your while if you make it worth ours! Best Costume (Ladies): 1st place is a free tattoo from an artist of your choosing from Lighthouse Tattoo; 2nd place is a $500 gift certificate from Lighthouse Tattoo; 3rd place is a $200 gift certificate to Lighthouse Tattoo and we reserve the right to extend more prizes to any honorable mentions, should the need arise. Be here by 9 though kids, no late entries, no exceptions.

We’ll also be hosting another Psycho Twister Tournament, for cash prizes. We’ll have a men’s bracket and a women’s bracket, so work on those yoga poses kids, this is always a hilarious addition!

and that’s not all, stay tuned to Lighthouse Tattoo for more!

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12:00 PM12:00

Harry Potter Fan Appreciation Day!!!

ERMAHGERD! IT’S BAAACK!!! Our annual Harry Potter Fan Appreciation Day is back. Lighthouse Tattoo is home to some very, very big fans of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series of books. Will , our beloved founder and the architect of our continued success, raised his kids on Harry Potter and it certainly shows. We went so far as to take a shop trip to Universal Studios for their Harry Potter world last year and we’re going back this year, right after the party (well, like a week after). Christa and Katelyn both have Harry Potter portrait leg sleeves in progress, also performed by Will, a massive collection of award-winning tattoos. There will be free and cheap Harry Potter-themed tattoos to celebrate our shared love of this wonderful story. We will play games and have contests, and did we mention it’s a costume party!?! So shine up those brooms kids, and wax those wands, as this is going to be an event not to be missed!

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12:00 PM12:00

Free Tattoo Day

On Saturday, June 18th, starting promptly at 12 noon, the Lighthouse Tattoo Apprentice Corps will be hosting a day where tattoos are completely free.

What’s the catch? Only that we ask that any tattoo performed that day can be done in less than two hours, so more people have the opportunity to get in.

Here’s the particulars: We will begin handing out tickets at 1130. at 1pm and every hour after that, we will pass out more tickets. Tickets will be drawn to see who gets tattooed next. If someone wants a tattoo that will take more than two hours to complete, they will lose their spot and we will draw again (don’t be greedy). We will have contests of skill and strength in order for interested parties to earn more tickets and thus, increase their chances for winning.

A warning: Last year we had a small number of people who complained because they didn’t get tattooed even though they waited for 5 hours. No one is guaranteed to get tattooed at this event. If you don’t like it, don’t come. If you bitch about it online, we will put you on blast on the internet and let them handle you. If we have any more crybabies like last year, we will discontinue the event and we will make sure everyone know who caused it. Don’t be that asshole.

Extra tickets will be awarded to individuals who:

  1. Wear an eye catching costume and wave at passing traffic for at least ten minutes- 5 tickets.

  2. If you have a special talent that can entertain us (singing or play an instrument; magic act or juggling, fire eating/breathing, etc, has to be good, no amateurs) - 5 tickets

  3. You can give your tickets away, so bring your friends that hate tattoos and get them to give you their tickets!

  4. If you pay full price for a piercing, you will receive an additional 5 tickets per piercing

We are a biker-friendly shop, so we will have an impromptu bike show and the winner(s) of the show will be given extra tickets. We have a pro-spec pool table at the shop, so we will probably have some sort of pool tournament to go to the front of the line, so bring your cue sticks! There will be other ways to earn more tickets, we just haven’t figured them out yet!

This will be a party atmosphere, so plan on hanging out for a while and show up with a good attitude, patience is the name of the game here and nobody likes a sore loser. Also, it’s very important that your design is as print-ready as possible, these young artists will not be helping anyone pick out fonts for lettering or drawing involved pieces, so know what you want and have it on your phone by the time you get here!

If you are not sure how long your tattoo will take and want to see if it would be good, please fee free to swing by the shop during our regular business hours anytime before the day of the event and we will just tell you if it will work or not!

We are covering the cost of supplies and spending our time to do something cool for you, please bring cash for tipping your artist, as it will be expected in this case, though the amount is up to you.

We also like to use events like this to raise money for good causes, we don’t have the cause figured out yet, but if you have been fortunate enough to maybe help someone out this year, we ask that you consider contributing to our cause once it is determined for this event.

Lastly, what we learned from the event last year is that we will need more help than we have in order to pull this off. We are asking for volunteers to help out during this event. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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to Dec 12

Ugly Christmas Sweater/Pajama Party!!!

This Christmas Season (we say Christmas ‘round these parts, not ‘hippy holidays’) Lighthouse Tattoo will be hosting a pajama party for the ages! Christmas-themed jammies, or an ugly Christmas sweater are the only tickets you need to enter! We will have contests with cash prizes and tattoo gift certificates up for grabs for the most creative sweater and best pajamas. We will also be offering a grand prize to the winner of our first-ever Naughty Nighty contest!

The Naughty Nighty contest will be lingerie-based, contestants can change at the party so they don’t have to wear the outfit all night, and ladies-it’s not gender specific! The guy’s can enter too!!! Creativity/originality and pure sex appeal are the categories here, so dress appropriately for Santa to rock that body under the Christmas Tree!

We will also be taking donations to help purchase toys for children who are especially vulnerable during these last couple of shitty COVID Christmases, incentives for donating will be elaborated on as we approach party day, so follow our event on Facebook for updates!

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to Oct 17

Halloween Party

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12:00 PM12:00

Harry Potter Fan Appreciation Day!!!

First off, we LOVE Harry Potter! No joke, we’re going to Universal Studios this September as a shop because we love it so much. So, this July 31st (Harry’s birthday), Lighthouse Tattoo will be celebrating Harry Potter Fan Appreciation Day!!!

What does this mean? You’re a Wizard! And Wizards get half-priced Wizarding World-themed tattoos all day! We’ll stop tattooing early to switch into party mode, so please schedule your appointment in advance, as appointments will book fast!

At the party we’ll have free giveaways to the best costumes in the following categories: Most Fantastic Beast; Best DeathEater; Best Muggle; Best Professor, as well as prizes for some of the games we’ll play. There’ll be a Harry Potter tattoo contest, of course! We will also have a special offer to raise funds for a local charity, as this has become a passion of ours in the aftermath of Covid-19. So, stay logged in to Lighthousetattoo.net for more as we continue to build and improve our Harry Potter Fan appreciation day!

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10:00 AM10:00

BLM Barbeque


Last year, George Floyd was murdered the day before Will’s (our owner’s) birthday. Once we got through the grief of what we’d all seen, the whole world seemed to catch fire. Sadness turned to anger and then rage, uncontrollable at times. While we’re still sifting through the ashes to figure out the next steps after the conviction of his murderer and what the future of policing looks like, we know one thing: We’re all in this together.

Last year, Lighthouse Tattoo hosted a barbeque on the 4th of July in support of Black Lives Matter. We thought it was appropriate to do so because of the occasion, and who doesn’t love a good barbeque on the 4th? While we don’t agree with the BLM organization and we want to be clear on that, we do support this movement and Lighthouse Tattoo tries to stay apolitical in most things.

While this might be a little weird, we took great comfort that even the new Captain America is portrayed by a black man (what can we say, we’re comic-book nerds). If you haven’t seen the new Falcon and the Winter Soldier series on Disneyplus, we believe it handles some of these very issues beautifully. It even impacted our decision whether or not to continue this fundraiser on the 4th of July or not. So we’re keeping it here!

The BLM barbeque is just that: A barbeque, not a protest, not a statement. Everyone is invited, including members of the law enforcement community, and everyone is welcome. We will have free food and drinks and for everyone who shows up, Lighthouse Tattoo will donate $10 to the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, or LDF. The NAACP is a time-tested organization dedicated to the prosperity of the black community. It’s approach is balanced, organized, and well thought out. We encourage everyone to take a look at what they have to offer.

So please, before you get out on the lake or go to watch fireworks that evening or just after church that day, stop by Lighthouse Tattoo for a hot dog or a burger and show your support!

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to Jun 13

80's-Themed Costume Party!!!

On Saturday, June 12th, Lighthouse Tattoo will be closing early and entering a time warp to the 80’s! The good ol’ days, Prince was still alive, the WWF was astill the WWF, and Dungeons and Dragons had the mothers of America terrified their children were all worshipping the devil in their basement. The hit Netflix show Stranger Things picked up on the appeal of this nostalgic time and we’re her to enjoy it with you!

We will be giving away prizes for best costume male and female, best couple, best 80’s-era pro wrestler and best Stranger Things character (my bet is on whoever can pull off a Demogorgon). We’ll have free food and games to keep the Wallstreet types away and share the fun! The party starts at 8pm and the costume contests will start promptly at 9, so don’t be (too) late!

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12:00 PM12:00


This Saturday, May 29th, Lighthouse Tattoo will be offering a special free tattoo event! Crystal, Dustin, and Kelly will be doing free tattoos starting promptly at 12 noon, until 10pm that evening. We would suggest at least a $20 tip for your artist, but there will be no actual cost associated with the tattoo. Sign-ups will start at 1130 and tattooing will begin at noon.

This event is an attempt to thank our loyal customers and the overarching community for their support, while giving these young apprentices some additional experience. That being said, it will greatly increase the speed of things if everyone who plans on attending this event brings the most tattoo-ready reference they can. If you need someone to spend a lot of time drawing up an original piece you will definitely be cutting into other people’s times.

This event is also a party so we’ll have food and games for your entertainment, and while the first few tattoos to sign-in will be first come, first served, the rest will be dictated by a number of factors. These factors will involve things such as 1. Has the person been a paying client of Lighthouse Tattoo before? 2. How long will the tattoo take? and most importantly 3. Can the person stand up to the challenge?

What Challenge, you ask?

We’re trying to avoid the kind of gridlock an offer of this magnitude can create, so we have some options to help get you to the front of the line!

  1. The Tattoo Gloryhole: It’s probably not as bad as it sounds people. Here’s the deal: if you just want a free tattoo and you’re not picky, step up, spin the wheel, put your arm (or whatever’s getting tattooed, don’t be weird) through the curtain, and get what you get! Fun for everyone!

  2. Take the Physical Challenge: If you’re not over 30, you may not know what program this challenge pays homage to, but Double Dare was awesome, so here it is! Simply put, those willing to sweat in order to get tattooed may compete against other able-bodied participants in order to win a position at the front of the tattoo line! Push-ups, Squats, the longest handstand or the most steps while walking on your hands, maybe it’s armwrestling, whatever the challenge may be, this one is sure to test your mettle

  3. Ever heard of Dude Perfect?: Evidently there’s this guy on Youtube that tries these insane stunts of skill. We will setup some of these unlikely tasks and give people a chance to go to the front of the line if they can accomplish them.

We expect to have a great time, do some cool tattoos, and make some new friends. We’ll also be making a special announcement that day. Everyone is invited to come out and show your support, whether you’re getting tattooed or not, some come on down to Lighthouse Tattoo on May 29th for free tattoo day and stay for the party once those are done!

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12:00 PM12:00

50% off Viking and Norse-themed Tattoo Day!

With the rise of Norse Paganism and the recent release of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, as well as a litany of television shows about our axe-wielding forebears, we have decided now is the time to promote some viking tattoos! so, for one day only, Lighthouse Tattoo will be offering 50% off all viking and Norse Paganism-based tattoos. Enjoy!

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12:00 PM12:00

50% off Road Trip and Travel-themed Tattoos

On Sunday, March 14th, Lighthouse Tattoo will be offering 50% off travel-themed tattoos. We love to travel and certainly understand the call of the road, so why not commemorate your passion for travel with a sweet new tattoo?! Wheels, wings, the open road, even ships, anything that makes you think of getting out and exploring the world is included in this offer, but be sure to set your appointment early, as space is limited and demand is high! Bon Voyage!

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12:00 PM12:00

Music-Inspired 50% off Tattoo Day

On Sunday, February 21st, Lighthouse Tattoo will be offering 50% off all tattoos that contain musical elements. Music staffs, notes, lyrics, or album art would be included in this sale, or anything else that can be directly connected to the meaning of a song. Please don’t hesitate to schedule your appointment, as slots for these specials tend to fill up quickly. Call 615 784-4500 and schedule your appointment today!

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12:00 PM12:00

Disney 50% off Tattoo day!

On Sunday, December 27th, Lighthouse Tattoo will be offering 50% off Disney-themed tattoos. Yes, This will include the Marvel and Star Wars universes, including series featured on Disney+, such as the Mandalorian! Enjoy, and may the Force be with you, Excelsior!

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12:00 PM12:00

Star Wars 50% off Tattoo day!

On Sunday, December 13th, Lighthouse Tattoo will be offering Star Wars-themed tattoos for 50% off. Please be sure to book your appointment early, as spots tend to fill quickly!

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12:00 PM12:00

A Nightmare Before Christmas Tattoo Day 50% Off Special

On Sunday, November 29th, Lighthouse Tattoo will be offering tattoos based on the Tim Burton movie The Nightmare Before Christmas for 50% off! Appointments are expected to fill up quickly so please schedule your session as soon as possible by calling 615 784-4500 or visiting Lighthouse Tattoo at 328 N. Cumberland St in Lebanon, TN

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to Oct 6

Pit Row Expo

Atlanta, here we come!! We will be attending the First Annual PIt Row Expo presented by The Marked Society.


We will be attending the Pit-Row Expo at the Atlanta Motor Speedway this year on October 4th through October 6th. Tasha will be booking an $800 Friday and a $1200 Saturday. If you are wanting to schedule with her please Email us at info@lighthousetattoo.net .

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