Horror Sleeve Tattoo

Dustin loves horror movies. It’s a fondness he shares with his wife and something that brings them closer together. The first subject of this sleeve is Freddy Kreuger and he wasn’t disappointed! Will Wood has developed a reputation for being one of the very best realism artists in the state/region and he has certainly earned it with this piece! With plans to add Michael Myers and Jason Voorhees, you’ll want to stay logged in to lighthousetattoo.net for updates on this amazing work of art!

John F. Kennedy Portrait Tattoo

One of the great leaders of the 20th century, John F. Kennedy captured much of America’s heart with a polarizing political doctrine and a winning smile. His assassination was most likely a result of his strong and progressive leadership. Ask anyone who was alive at the time and they can tell you where they were on the day John F. Kennedy died. Tony came down all the way from Chicago to get this portrait from Will Wood, our resident realism artist. He was absolutely thrilled with the amazing result of his 8 hour session!

Healed Lion Tattoo

Kenneth got this nicely healed lion tattoo from artist Will Wood here at Lighthouse Tattoo in about five hours. A combination of light touch and efficient movement produces a finished product that heals perfectly in most cases. It’s become a rare occasion for Will to do a touch-up on a body part that doesn’t bend or move much. Visit Lighthouse Tattoo between the hours of noon and 10pm and see what all the fuss is about!

It’s called a ‘Walk-In’ for a reason.

We get a ton, and I mean a TON of calls about walk-ins. The term ‘walk-in’ means different things to different people, however, and we’d like to take some time to clear some things up here.

To tattoo shops the world over, ‘walk-in’ doesn’t mean that you can walk in and get tattooed immediately. It means you can get tattooed sometime THAT DAY. A walk-in may need to schedule an appointment for several hours after the time they come in. So it looks like this: A prospective client comes into the shop with a tattoo idea that can be drawn and tattooed that day, usually something small, and if the artist has time that day a walk-in appt in scheduled. That client will usually leave the shop for a time and either catch a quick movie, grab a bite to eat, maybe just go walk around the malls for a couple of hours, then return to get their tattoo once that artist has finished what they are working on and gotten their tattoo ready.

Another scenario is one where the artist can knock out a super-tiny, quick piece out without much preparation time at all. In this scenario, if the artist isn’t already working on another client, the walk-in may be able to get tattooed immediately. This usually only happens at Lighthouse Tattoo in the event of a last-minute cancellation or if the client is willing to be tattooed by an apprentice.

Disclaimer for stupid people: If you call Lighthouse Tattoo and ask if we have time to do a walk-in, the answer will always be ‘yes’. This is because there is no possible way of knowing whether or not we will have the time to do a piece when we don’t have concrete answers to a lot of questions about the tattoo: size, color or black and grey, style of tattoo, subject matter, you know, things that require forethought, something that isn’t present with a walk-in tattoo. We have no way of knowing if the prospective client is just ‘window shopping’ or is serious, we don’t even know if they’ll show up! We also don’t know if all of our scheduled appointments will show up either, sometimes people can’t make it and we have extra time on our hands. Sometimes we get done early or an artist may be willing to stay late to fit someone in. Many times, if the client is nice and they want something small that doesn’t require prep work, they can get tattooed at the end of the night if they’re willing to leave a deposit and come back later that evening.

All of that being said, we want people to understand that it’s called a ‘Walk-In’ not a ‘Call-In’ for a reason. Tattoo shops don’t really take calls for walk-ins seriously, as it shows a lack of understanding about the process and a general lack of consideration for tattoo artists and what we do. But if you DO call us about a walk-in, we’ll tell you to come in! Then when you do and still can’t get tattooed because you have no understanding of how this works, you’ll leave pissed off and write us a 1-star review to try and destroy our business because that’s the only power you can wield in the world (behind a keyboard), and we’ll copy that shit into the Knucklehead of the Month or just clown you directly on the review reply itself, all when you could have just thought ahead a little bit and scheduled an appointment or booked something once you came in. You just ruined your best chance to get a great, affordable tattoo for one of the best places around all because you couldn’t plan a little in advance or understand that we can only do one tattoo at a time and there are other people in the world besides yourself that want bodyart? Sheesh. All that frustration so easily avoided.

If you want to get tattooed as a walk-in, please don’t call, please walk in and we’ll do our best to take care of you!

The Eyes Have It

We’ve done tons of eye tattoos over the years (tattoos OF eyes, not ON eyes, thanks). They’re called the windows to the soul. They’re the very tool we use to see the artwork we produce. Eye’s captivate the viewer and we have an eye expert on hand to make the most beautiful eye tattoos you will ever see. Stay logged in to lighthousetattoo.net for updates and healed photos from our realism art Will Wood.

Frida Kahlo Portrait Tattoo

Magdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo y Calderón (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈfɾiða ˈkalo]; 6 July 1907 – 13 July 1954[1]) was a Mexican painter known for her many portraits, self-portraits, and works inspired by the nature and artifacts of Mexico. Inspired by the country's popular culture, she employed a naïve folk art style to explore questions of identity, postcolonialism, gender, class, and race in Mexican society.[2] Her paintings often had strong autobiographical elements and mixed realism with fantasy. In addition to belonging to the post-revolutionary Mexicayotl movement, which sought to define a Mexican identity, Kahlo has been described as a surrealist or magical realist.[3] She is known for painting about her experience of chronic pain.[4]-per Wikipedia.

This is the reason so many people are talking about Lighthouse Tattoo. Don’t wait! Schedule your appointment today by calling 615 784-4500 or visiting the shop just a block off the Lebanon square. You won’t be disappointed!

Wolf Portrait

Realistic animal portraits have never gone out of style. From wolves, snakes, and bears, to eagles, owls, and doves, to marine wildlife like the textured octopus or smooth sharks and dolphins, people can never get enough of the stuff. If this sounds like you, Lighthouse Tattoo may be the place you’ve been looking for! Fill out an appointment request form by clicking the ‘set an appointment’ tab on this website, or call or come by the shop any day between the hours of noon and 10pm to speak with an artist and set up your next visit!

The CryptKeeper

This healed (and slightly hairy) portrait of the Cryptkeeper from Tales from the Crypt is why so many people come to Lighthouse Tattoo. Awesome detail, a fun experience, all at an affordable price, that’s what people are talking about when they call us ‘the best’, we think maybe they’re on to something.


Chase has been getting tattooed by Will for more than 10 years now. This depiction of Athena is one of the more recent pieces he’s gotten, part of a Greek mythology-themed sleeve. You can schedule an appointment by clicking the ‘set an appointment’ tab on this website, calling the shop, or visiting during our business hours of noon-10pm seven days a week!

Tyrion Lannister Portrait

With the popularity of Games of Thrones and the subsequent House of Dragons spinoff, GOT tattoo are a foregone conclusion. Here’s an up-close shot of this Tyrion Lannister, part of a complete GOT leg sleeve on Katie. If you like this piece and are interested in getting something from our artist Will anytime this year, we’d strongly recommend you go ahead and set something up, time’s running out in his schedule already!


The story of Hercules slaying the Nemean Lion for his impenetrable skin is an ancient one. We can all appreciate the courage and strength it would take to face such an intimidating foe. But that’s kind of silly, right? The Nemean Lion isn’t real, and we’ve all faced more substantial foes in our own lives. The moral of this story? You should be proud of yourself for what you’ve been able to sustain and overcome. Don’t get down on the setbacks you’ve faced, so many people refer to a setback as a failure, but it’s not a failure if you simply don’t give up. Persevere. The mental fortitude to push forward when the outcome is uncertain, that’s the true strength of Hercules. And it’s the true strength of you.

Viking Portrait

Vikings are all the rage lately. Methinks it may be a response to the recent attacks on masculinity in this country and other parts of the world, but as an apolitical business, we certainly don’t take that stance officially, it’s just an observation. What do you think? We’ve done a lot of Spartan and Viking-themed tattoos over just the last couple of years and that trend is showing no signs of slowing down, maybe that’s a sign of pushback? Who knows, we just think this tattoo is totally rad.

Consistency in execution is of the utmost importance, especially in tattooing. If you have an artist that can do well but occasionally kicks out a stinker, then you really run the risk of getting that stinker. Don’t do that to yourself. Find someone with a portfolio of high-level and highly consistent work, and get what you want. It’s certainly better than saving a few bucks to fan the stink off that turd you just got for cheap!


These two photos were taken weeks apart to show the difference between the healed and fresh work. Tattoos are organic things, they grow and live with us as we wear them throughout our lives, knowing what the finished product will look like is very different from the fresh and edited versions so many artists are posting on their Instagram or other social media accounts. The debate of whether or not this is ethical has been overshadowed by the huge number of followers generated by these less-than-savory means. Our founder and owner, Will Wood, has shunned social media for reality, making him an outcast for his purist views on how this artform should be treated. Not everyone is in love with his ideals, but if you know Will, you know arguing won’t do any good.

Still, if this portrait of Odin, big as hell on a thigh, is to your liking, feel free to reach out and schedule your appointment with Will or another artist in our team by clicking the ‘set an appointment’ tab on this website and we’ll contact you directly. Thanks!

Shhh, it's supposed to be a surprise.

Real quick: We’re having a birthday party for Will Saturday, June 15th, starting at sundown. He’s been pretty distant lately (the dude’s as busy as a human can get, we think) and he doesn’t have social media, so we doubt he’ll even see this AND YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO TELL HIM!!! The party will be BYOB and is luau themed. so grab your best coconut bra fellas and let’s wish a happy 46th to our fearless leader.

For those interested in getting him something: Will has a real problem receiving gifts. We would strongly recommend a donation in his name to one of his favorite charities, starting with St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital; The NAACP Legal Defense Fund; the Innocence Project; The American Red Cross; or any local charity dedicated to alleviating food uncertainty for children in Middle Tennessee. For those of you contributing, we thank you.

Get What You Pay For

The Man said it, it must be true. Even in Sailor Jerry’s day people knew you had to pay for quality, but what we’d like to talk about today is a horrible trend we’ve noticed lately: Price gouging by people who are willing to take advantage of their client’s ignorance.

It’s happening all over the place, not just in the tattoo business. In everything from fuel and food to contractors and service industries we’re seeing businesses take advantage of the current news cycle about high inflation rates to increase prices and increase profits. Now, not to be stupid, we completely understand at times like this business will increase rates as costs increase, but to exploit the current state of the nation in order to disproportionately increase revenue; to bleed the very customers you claim to want to help dry, well, that just ain’t cool. To sum it up, it seems like in so many ways, you just don’t get what you paid for anymore.

Even memes are suffering from inflation. The first two tattoos in either of these internet memes are the same, but the quoted prices for them have doubled. Even the shitty ones. That’s the point.

We’ve seen far too many less-than-stellar tattooers out there charging well above their ability level by pushing glittery marketing campaigns and trash talking their contemporaries. Well, the proof as they say, is in the pudding. If you are going to drop hundreds of dollars on tattoo work, you want to at least make sure you're getting what you paid for. It’s too expensive and too permanent to end up with a finished tattoo that you’re not in love with.

Lighthouse Tattoo has artists with decades of experience and exemplary, award-winning portfolios of work to back up the prices we charge. We have years of positive customer service experiences and a large body of repeat clientele, coupled with hundreds of five-star reviews online. When you are trusting your body to an artist, don’t leave the end product up to chance, get what you paid for.

Not only do we have some of the best tattoo artists going, we also have a corps of young up-and-coming apprentices to address your small-and-simple tattoo needs at a discount. These young artists are still learning and will even go so far as to charge less than the usual shop minimum for tiny pieces. Don’t subject yourself to arbitrarily inflated prices because someone’s ego has gotten the better of them, do the research, dare to compare, and once you’ve made your decision, we are confident Lighthouse Tattoo will become your new tattoo home.

We know this post is likely to stir things up but it’s time to address a problem we’ve seen with the way some people are charging and how it doesn’t match up to the poor quality of work they are turning out. If we have to name names, we will. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that. This industry needs to pivot if it is going to continue to grow and thrive and fleecing our client base isn’t a sustainable business model, contrary to the popular opinion of the ‘charge as much as you can get’ crowd. We will be happy to show side-by-side comparisons of their work and disclose what was charged for each piece. We guarantee it won’t go well for the other guys.

We stand by our work. We manage costs and budget to pass savings on to our clients. We treat people like they matter. And we love tattoos. This is Lighthouse Tattoo, you’re welcome here.

Pick yer Poison

Norma Jean (Marilyn Monroe before she’s adopted the name) or the Bride of Frankenstein? Pick yer poison folks! Masterfully rendered by realism artist Will Wood, it’s pieces like these that truly boggle the mind, only to be outdone by seeing them in person (we’re just not very good photographers, what can we say? We send most of out time at other pursuits, namely tattoos like these). Schedule your appointment with will now, before his year is completely booked out!

We Strive for Perfection

At Lighthouse Tattoo we strive for perfection. It doesn’t exist, of course, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t worth obsessing over. To neglect every other aspect of one’s life, to its detriment, for the sake of pursuing one’s art. A more selfless and egotistical thing cannot be found. You have to be kind of crazy to put yourself through this. It shows on every tattoo artist worth their salt the world over. To serve on a platter to the grave a spine twisted by poor posture and eyes blinded by a lifetime of minute detail, all while sacrificing your sanity trying to deliver something life-changing, that is a high ideal.

We cannot stress how important this is: Tattoos are a dichotomy: they are immediately ridiculous and simultaneously one of the most meaningful things that can happen to us in our lives. To take possession of one’s own corpus by adorning it with art, when performed by a master of their craft, is nothing short of lifechanging. We will experience compliments on a well-executed tattoo’s beauty for years to come; pay homage to a hobby or lifestyle; even carry the memory of a lost loved one or commemorate the love of our lives in our flesh. For many, it is the only way we manage to reward ourselves when we are pressed so hard by life that it becomes almost unbearable. A respite for those who serve. Mothers and fathers, students and soldiers. Sometimes a tattoo can make it all seem worthwhile, for a while.

I don’t mean to wax poetic, I really don’t. But I’ve been asked by my editor to experiment and deviate from our usual rhetoric to something perhaps a bit more close to the truth of why we do this. How we feel about it; what makes us tick, so that you can know who you’re dealing with. In a world that seems so ready to convince you of some bullshit or another, we wanted you to hear it from us. Forgive me my love affair with tattoo, it’s the most important thing in my life, sometimes it’s the only thing that keeps me going, and I know that’s true for some of you too.

So indulge. Reward yourself with something a touch more meaningful after the Super Bowl. After all, tattoos are for life. Live it. We’ll be here waiting for you.