Shhh, it's supposed to be a surprise.

Real quick: We’re having a birthday party for Will Saturday, June 15th, starting at sundown. He’s been pretty distant lately (the dude’s as busy as a human can get, we think) and he doesn’t have social media, so we doubt he’ll even see this AND YOU’RE NOT ALLOWED TO TELL HIM!!! The party will be BYOB and is luau themed. so grab your best coconut bra fellas and let’s wish a happy 46th to our fearless leader.

For those interested in getting him something: Will has a real problem receiving gifts. We would strongly recommend a donation in his name to one of his favorite charities, starting with St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital; The NAACP Legal Defense Fund; the Innocence Project; The American Red Cross; or any local charity dedicated to alleviating food uncertainty for children in Middle Tennessee. For those of you contributing, we thank you.