Results from Literary Ink
Cardinal and Lighthouse Tattoo attended the Harry Potter-themed tattoo convention Literary Ink recently and had a blast! Much appreciation goes out to all those who made the drive to support their local tattoo establishment. Will, Rose, and Victoria all got tattooed. Will got invited to do a guest spot at Juan Salgado’s shop in Puerto Rico (curious? Google it!) and Tasha got invited to do a guest spot at Kelly Doty’s shop Helheim Gallery in Salem, Mass. (don’t know who Kelly Doty is? climb out from under your rock once in a while!) Will got to share drinks with one of his tattoo idols, Mr. Joe Capobianco!
Of course, there were tattoo contests as well…
This show did things a bit differently though, all of the contests were Harry Potter or Wizarding World themed. Rose entered the Best Fantastic Beast category and won, with a portrait of the inimitable Danny Devito! It was a joke from the start though, so Will made the executive decision to give the award to someone who he felt did a great tattoo that was actually part of that category (not that Danny Devito isn’t a fantastic beast, but still) Miss Austin West. This left us empty-handed though, until Will won another award for Best Portrait for a Severus Snape he did at the show!
All in all we had a great time, made some new friends and got a chance to catch up with some old ones, what more could you ask for?! We are certainly looking forward to next year!