Update: Carbon Monoxide and Coronavirus Measures

Until next week, when our heat and A/C system is replaced, we will be using kerosene space heaters to knock any chill out of the room. If it is supposed to be especially chilly, or if you are going to have to be in an advanced state of undress during your appointment, you may want to go ahead and reschedule. Otherwise, we will do everything in our power to keep you comfortable during your appointment, as always.

Secondly, as the rate of new COVID-19 infections continues to rise, having remained above 70,000 new diagnosed cases per day for the last week now, we would like to inform our clients of our intention to close temporarily during this peak time, should the situation appear to become untenable. We have already seen the inability and unwilling of state and federal government to protect us. We have experienced first hand the inability of some of our clients to put others before themselves. It is our solemn promise to do what we can to protect the public whilst still trying to serve the same. Also, with schools and universities reopened and with Halloween being on Saturday this year, combined with the phenomenon known as pandemic fatigue, we expect that the number of Halloween parties will result in a spike of infections.

So: We will be drastically limiting access to the shop. We will remain open, but only to conduct remedial assistance with piercings and to conduct pre-scheduled business. No one else will be allowed into the building, and as usual, not without a mask. (We have masks on hand if you need one when you get here.)

It would appear that now is the time to really buckle down and practice social distancing. We encourage like-minded folks who already have an appointment to voluntarily reschedule, and if the situation does not improve within the next couple of weeks, we will shutdown all services indefinitely for the greater good. We hate to inconvenience anyone, but we just can’t see a workable alternative.

Hang in there, we’re all in this together, take care of yourselves. Remember to log on to lighthousetattoo.net to keep up-to-date!