Re-Opening Plans, We Think.

Governor Lee has seen fit to lift the ban on close-contact professions conducting business as of May 6th. While we respect the practical nature of this decision, we also understand the threat it poses to the public health and we must acknowledge that this choice has been made for many of us out of necessity. It’s not the safest choice, but the alternative for many people is forced poverty. So wish us all in close-contact businesses luck!

To insure that we have enough protective equipment for our artists and clients, we will not be opening until May 15th. Our procedures will be as follows:

  1. We will not be offering piercing for the foreseeable future, once we do, it will be by appointment only. Feel free to call to book your appointment or stay tuned to this website for updates.

  2. We will only allow the person getting tattooed into the building. Upon entering, you will be directed to wash your hands and don a pair of gloves and a mask. We ask that you either leave your phone at home, in your car, or in your purse/pocket, we have ordered a UV sterilizer for telephones but it is on back order and phones are dirty people, so please use some restraint with them.

  3. If your appointment is not the first one of the day, we ask that you remain outside until the previous appointment is complete. Please call once you have arrived and we will let you know when to come in.

  4. Common Sense: If you don’t feel well or suspect you may have been exposed to COVID-19, please reschedule your appointment.

  5. Tattoos will be performed on an appointment-only basis. We will not be letting people into the shop for any other reason. No questions, no consultations, no exceptions. Please resort to phone calls or emails to correspond with us regarding your interest in getting tattooed.

The next few weeks will be pretty tentative, but we will persevere. We want to go ahead and express our humble thanks to all of our loyal clients who have stood by us during this difficult time and are ready to ride it out with us, we love you all, please stay safe