
After the killing of George Floyd and subsequent and ongoing upheaval regarding policing in particular and race relations in general, we saw fit to re-post our policy about not doing Confederate imagery tattoos. It’s times like these when people start to come out of the woodwork so to speak and emblazon their beliefs on their skin, sometime to their detriment. We want no part of that. We pride ourselves on conscientious tattooing and while we seek to not judge our clientele and the wide array of beliefs they exhibit, there are just some things we don’t want to participate in.

That being said, we’ve had our previous post up since June 30th and in the last 6 weeks we’ve had more people come into the shop asking for Confederate flag tattoos than have in the last two years. It’s no coincidence. It takes a special kind of ignorance to wind up being called a racist and a race traitor in the same week, but the same day?!? Come on! That must be some kind of record.

To reiterate: We will not put imagery related to gangs, racist ideology, hateful images, boyfriend/girlfriends’ names, or anything else we as a group or a particular artist finds objectionable. We’re cool, and we want you to be cool too, but if you’re not, don’t expect us to be.

That being said. We understand a lot of people don’t feel that the rebel flag is a racist image. We understand, we just don’t agree. Certainly, in years to come, that symbol will become even more synonymous with bigotry and since tattoos are a lifelong commitment, we would not want to saddle any of our beloved clients with that kind of long-term burden. We hope you understand. If you don’t that’s okay too, but we’re still not doing any Confederate flag tattoos.