A Word on Booking for Tax Refund Season

While November is only just now upon us, we need to take some time to remind folks of the busiest time of year for tattoo shops- Tax Refund Season! Tax refunds are considered tattoo funds for so many people each year, the average tattoo shop will almost double the number of clients it usually serves. Lighthouse Tattoo doesn’t have the capacity to do that, we are simply too busy.

For instance: Will, our leader and resident realism artist is currently already booking for February. He is working seven days a week, frequently tackling two tattoos per day (he usually only does one), to try and prevent his schedule from getting so booked out that late-comers can’t get tattooed when they want. Unfortunately, even though Will had put a stop to booking more than three months out, he has such a large clientele that it’s become impossible to stick to the 3 months-only program. What this means is that new clients will not be served until he finishes some of the work he’s taken on with his existing clientele.

In short, if you want to get tattooed when your tax refund comes in, you will need to book with Will within the next two weeks! After November 15th, Will will no longer be accepting new clients until he frees up some space by completing current work.

Similarly, if you wait to schedule something with Diamond Dave; Deuce; or Matt Steele until you have the cash-in-hand, you will likely be in for a protracted wait time.

While we have other artists on hand, they are young in this business and their skills may be limited such that they won’t be allowed to tattoo you due to the complexity of the work you want done. Small, simple stuff will be the order of the day for any walk-ins or short-notice appointments during tax refund season, roughly Feb 10th to the end of March (most people who know they are getting a refund tend to file early, thus they get their refund on the early side.)