People are Strange

The Doors song People are Strange says it all:

‘People are strange when you're a stranger
Faces look ugly when you're alone
Women seem wicked when you're unwanted
Streets are uneven when you're down…’

Jason brought this idea to bear when contemplating the overall feel of the sleeve he was planning: The dark and foreboding sensation we all feel when faced with unfamiliar new places, and faces. For some it’s exciting, many people love to travel and make new friends. For others, the anxiety the unfamiliar poses is almost unbearable, and the longer we avoid these very situations we fear, the worse the anxiety becomes.

An homage to the way we must challenge ourselves in order to grow and an acknowledgement of the Jung-ian description of the monster within we must all embrace in order to fully realize our potential, this piece promises to challenge it’s owner, the artist, and the viewer at once.