Free Tattoo Day!!!

We don’t think anyone’s ever done it before: Free tattoos, all day, no limits. We had 5 artists work for ten hours apiece to produce about 50 free tattoos. Will got here at 9am and started tattooing, as a line had already formed! We did 10 free gloryhole tattoos, where you spin a wheel and get whatever it lands on! It was so popular that we’ve decided to keep it. So, $50 for the first spin, if you don’t like that, each additional spin is only $20! A great way to get a cool, traditional American-style tattoo for less than the shop minimum!

We had a little over 200 people show up throughout the day, and while we had like six people complain online because they didn’t get served (read the room guys, y’all are assholes), the overwhelming response was positive.


We’re going to make some changes to improve the experience and give a couple of apprentices some time to improve their skill sets, and this August or September we will be having another Free Tattoo Day (which is why you shouldn’t complain when you don’t get what you want the first time: there may be other times). Stay tuned to for more information and great tattoos!