Tattoos for Fine Art Lovers, A WIP

The Rape of the Sabine Women, by Giambologna

Will wanted us to post this WIP, or Work-In-Progress for this half-back piece.

Not long after the formation of Rome, Romulus orchestrated the abduction of some 30 women from the neighboring Sabine people, in order to increase the birth rate of the male-heavy population. From Wikipedia:

‘The motivation behind the abduction of the Sabine women is contested among ancient sources. Livy writes that Rome's motivation for abducting the Sabine women was solely to increase the city's population and claims that no direct sexual assault took place during the abduction. Livy says that Romulus offered the Sabine women free choice as well as civic and property rights. According to Livy, Romulus spoke to each of them in person, declaring "that it was all owing to the pride of their parents in denying right of intermarriage to their neighbours. They would live in honourable wedlock, and share all their property and civil rights, and—dearest of all to human nature—would be the mothers of freemen.’

As the story goes, it was the women’s pleas that ended the ensuing battle and resulted in a truce between the Romans and Sabines. Rome would go on to become the seat of the Western world and the model for our own Republic.

It has been treated extensively by artists, including Picasso, Degas, and Reubens. We are proud to be able to convey such a powerful image on someone who loves fine art as much as we do. It is truly an honor.