Free Tattoo Day Dumb Shit

From now until our Free Tattoo Day, we will be including info and entertainment here so some of ya’ll can laugh and some can learn. To whit: this young lady whose head was in the wrong place when she asked about free tattoo day. She basically let us know if she shows up and doesn’t get tattooed she’s gonna be pissed. It’s a lot to infer from the first contact, but considering the answer to her question was readily available online and she chose to forego that, it seems obvious she was doing what so many before her had already done: Try to get a guarantee she could get a free tattoo. We told her simply not to come, she found that rude, even though it wasn’t. Her gas is obviously very important to her and we don’t think an apprentice-level tattoo that can be done in under 2 hours is worth driving 3 hours for. Seriously. If you want to drive for three hours, come for the party, not the tattoo. Also, telling someone they’re being rude is rude, so careful with that shit. You seem to want me to care about your feelings when all you want is something from me for nothing. Hard to find a fuck to give there, sweetheart! We’ll have tons of these inquiries over the next two weeks. Hundreds. for the sake of expediency, we’re going to be short with people. You’re going to have to get over it or you’re going to get your feelings hurt.

So what actually happened during this exchange? This young lady played her hand, we saw that she wanted a guarantee that we don’t offer and we told her she would be better off spending the gas money on a local tattoo. We cut down all of that info to ‘Just don’t come’ because we are trying hard to respond to everyone and it’s been pretty constant since our original announcement a couple of days ago. She responded by calling us rude, then telling us she was going to do exactly what we’d recommended, just not in so many words. We weren’t even rude, just straight forward in our response. This is the problem with that type of person, they feel the need to say something when they could just move on. Social media is destroying the mental health of its users, as evidenced by this young woman’s response. We’re complete strangers who just told her the event probably wouldn’t be to her liking, especially with current gas prices and her distance from the shop, so she decided to call us rude. You can’t win for losing folks.