Why the Customer Isn't Always Right

We get it, you want what you want and it’s your money, so why shouldn’t you get it that way? Well, to not sugar coat anything the best answer is because you may have your head squarely up your ass, that’s why. Doesn’t matter how long we’ve been doing this (it’s a long time) it never fails to shock us at how reluctant some people are to trust the person they’re asking to permanently alter the way they look.

Look, here’s what we’re getting at, and not just at Lighthouse Tattoo, this applies to tattoo shops the world over: If you don’t have enough confidence in the artist you’re working with to listen to their recommendations and take their opinion into account, it’s time to move on. Seriously. I know most tattoo artists look like the sort of beatnik throwbacks your grandpa complained about and George Carlin so beautifully personified, the kind of guys and gals that make you pull your children close when you see them bleary-eyed, stumbling through the grocery store in the morning hours after a late night, searching desperately for their beloved pre-made Starbucks(tm) iced coffee in order to somehow make it through their next work day, BUUUUT…we (usually) know what we’re doing. Specifically, the artists at Lighthouse Tattoo, with more than 70 years of combined experience, we definitely know what we’re doing.

So let us do it.

When you come into your respective tattoo shop with an idea for a larger piece, it’s in your best interest to approach it with a certain flexibility. We understand that you know what you want, but what you need to understand is that we’re the ones that know how to get it there and what will work and what won’t. You wouldn’t tell a mechanic how to fix your car, right? Wouldn’t tell a surgeon how to repair your heart? Nope. Then feel free to rely on our experience to give you what you want in the very best way that we can. If you don’t or feel like you can’t trust your artist with that, then you need to find a better artist. Might we suggest Lighthouse Tattoo?