Clown Face
Sad Clown face hand tattoo
Hand jobs are fun for everyone! We love ‘em and we’re sure you will too. We have certain criteria that needs to be met before going all the way, to insure the security of some of our younger or less experienced clientele from getting something they might really regret later. In order to get your hands/neck/face/or fingers tattooed at Lighthouse, you either have to 1. Have either of them done already. 2. Have a significant amount of your body tattooed, this means something like a full arm or leg sleeve or full backpiece. 3. Be a convicted felon or independently wealthy.
The reason we do this is in order to prevent people with less experience from getting something they’re likely to regret. One of the biggest problems for the tattoo business is that tattoo regret. Those parts of the body are called ‘job-stoppers’ for a reason: They tend to make it more difficult to secure gainful employment. If you already have it done, we’re not gonna hurt you by doing more; if you’re a convicted felon, jobs aren’t worried about your tattoo situation nearly as much as your arrest record; and if you’re independently wealthy you don’t need to work, so no harm, no foul. This is the same reason we won’t tattooed significant others’ names on someone unless they’re married, or tattoo hateful stuff like swastikas or gang-affiliated stuff. We also don’t do rebel flags even though some people swear they aren’t racist, because in time, they definitely will be.
We like tattoos and we appreciate that you do too, we just don’t want to tattoo something on someone that they’ll regret.