The Best Money You'll Ever Spend

Think about the best money you ever spent. The purchase of a great pet, a home, a car, maybe your wedding? Now, think about how much that thing cost versus how much you get to enjoy it. That wonderful family dog won’t live forever, but probably didn’t break the bank either. A nice home is a comfortable place to build lasting memories, but once the pandemic is over, you should be able to leave. A nice car is great, but depreciates steadily and turns into a rust bucket with time unless you take great pains to avoid this and let’s face it, that ‘93 Tercel isn’t worth it. Don’t get us started on the money wasted on epic weddings that end in horrific divorce, just read the tabloids for the return on THAT investment.

You can probably guess what we’re getting at.

A good tattoo is the best investment you can ever make. The results are immediate and will be with you all day, every day. With proper care, the average tattoo shouldn’t need a touch-up for twenty years or so. It will last longer than that nice car, the family dog, will require less maintenance than the family home, and if the statistics are accurate, a good tattoo will even outlast your marriage. And you get to enjoy it all day, errr day!

Conversely, money saved on a bad tattoo is NEVER worth it. It’s basically like walking around with a piece of dogshit taped to your arm. Polite folk won’t say anything about it, but you know what they think. They think the same thing YOU do: that tattoo is garbage. After years of walking around with that coat-hanger abortion on your arm you’ll probably decide to either laser that sucker off or cover it up and both are going to cost you dramatically more than you would have paid if you’d just have gotten it done right the first time.

But we don’t have to tell YOU that do we?

That’s why you’re here, after all.

Welcome to Lighthouse Tattoo.